Written Work
I was asked to write a review of a popular podcast, noting several defining aspects. As I listend to nine hour-long episodes, I noted that I needed to bring specific, nuanced details to the site.Through this, I contnued to develop an aptitude for interpreting information and applying it for those who may not know about the topic.
For this essay, I studied ethical issues associated with geotracking applications during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was determined to select the most meaningful parts of my research so that I could include more effective insights for my audience. By doing so, I showed critical thinking skills by presenting multiple perspectives on complex situations.
In my final year at the Berks Career and Technology Center, I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a website for a fictional business. In writing this, I looked back at my work and rediscovered the moements that defined how I was different back then and what I did to change my habits. With this, I charted some key steps in my process toward growing in project management and meeting deadlines effectively.